
Art School Art

Mary Anne Francis: Group Show - detail

Poolswin - detail

invite for Unsorted exhibition

On the way to Ruislip - detail


Brick Lane - detail of flyposting element
from the - Paintings series, shown at the Sussex Open 2018

The Blooming Commons at
Tate Britain

Covers on London Underground

The House in the Lumber Room - detail, photo-series

still from Count for Nothing 16mm film

one-person cinema

one-person cinema


Exchanged art as artwork (completed questionnaire)

Au Naturel - straw added, nothing taken away

You are here -
light work

Stall at the FSA - installation view

Model T Bags in Mary Anne Francis: Group Show

from For Those Killed in Ambush - installation view



Unsorted solo show
- detail

Home Volcano at Beaconsfield


For Would, Silence, The Apology group show

For Would, Silence, The Apology group show
List of art shows |
info@maryannefrancis.org |